Sunday, 23 March 2008

Ny kamin

Ny kamin

Been busy over Easter installing a new kamin (wood heater/log fire) to replace the old one. The hole in the chimney had to be enlarged (a precise scentific process involving a hammer and chisel) and a new chimney pipe cemented in. The rökrör (smoke pipe) goes into the chimney pipe. Once all the sealants are dry, you can fire it up... but it smells terrible the first time, as all the chemical fumes come out - so you have to open all the windows... it's all working fine now, though, and the house is warm.

I'm living in the white house now, it looks great. Still in the commissioning stage as I'm fixing things here and there and working out where to put things. Next up: floor tiles...

Ny kamin

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Svensk personnummer

You can't do anything in Sweden without a personal number. It's a bit like a tax file number (Aus), social security number (US) or national insurance number (UK). Except more useful. Without it you can't register a car, get a phone line, get a mobile phone contract, connect broadband internet... you can get a bank account but you can't have internet banking, phone banking or a cash card.

I got mine the other day. It's a 10 digit number starting with your date of birth. So now I'm really somebody.

There's a wikipedia article about it here...

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Out of the heat wave, into the freezer

We have snow!

I'm back from 3 weeks in Melbourne, with temperatures up to 40C. Arrived back in Sweden on Monday night. I took the train from Stockholm (4 hours) to Lund where it was blizzard conditions. Here's some of the photos I took the next morning:



Cold sauna...

There's more on the flickr site.

Most of the snow has melted now, but there's more on the way over the Easter weekend...

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Postcard from Melbourne

Melbourne & the Bolte bridge

Spent the last couple of weeks hanging out in Melbourne, catching up with friends & family, having barbecues and getting some welcome sunshine. It's been warm, and hit 37 degC yesterday - took a cruise down the Yarra River to Williamstown for fish & chips and ice cream. Good stuff.

Thanks to the smoking ban, the latest thing in Melbourne city is rooftop bars, which are springing up all over the place - but not always the easiest places to find. If you play your cards right you can get yourself a deck chair on fake grass, a cold drink and a view right over the city.