Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Jaså, sugen på aprock?

Greetings... I am a week behind! So here goes.

At the back of my mind this time in Sweden was the thought that I might not have such a good time and I might lose interest in this whole moving thing. No chance! I picked a great week to go. Kick-off with lunch in the sun & shopping in Malmö. Then a 30th birthday that night with the guys from Babian (www.babian.nu) and more. Played croquet and there was guitar playing until sunrise. Plus I got to eat silltort (herring cake) which is a savoury, fattening cake made with cream and with herring inside. Mostly new faces, but lots of great people and many I'm sure I will see again.

Friday night was a trip to Tipifesten in Jonstorp, near Ängelholm and Helsingborg. Tipifesten, I was told, is tent festival, but I think it translates more closely as teepee - the american indian style tent. Tältet is the word for a more convential tent. Anyway, it was a small festival with probably around 300 people. Very friendly. For some reason they were serving VB (Victoria Bitter) which was the beer of choice at university in Melbourne. Why it was here, no idea - as it's imported from Australia. But at 20sek (A$4) for a stubby (375ml glass bottle) why not?! Nevertheless, the highlight of the festival was of course seeing Babian play for the first time. Yes, they rock. And/or roll.

More later.

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