Saturday, 8 November 2008

Postcard from Syria

On assignment in Syria. I'm staying in Der Ezzor at the moment, and it seems there's no agreement on how to spell it - not in the Latin alphabet, anyway. It's on google maps as "Dayr Az Zawr". So far the weather has been good and the people friendly, but finding internet is not so easy... Here's some photos of Damascus and the Roman ruins in Palmyra.


Bill Donovan said...

is there active archaeological digs going on near the ruins? Or are they just out there with no one working near them?

Mike said...

Yes, there are still excavations out there. There's more info here:

Bill Donovan said...

oh, cool. I know there are a lot of Roman artifacts from Syria floating aroung in various auctions and available from antiquities dealers. So I was curious if that site had archaeologists or random people with metal detectors... Thanks for following up.

Anja Allvin said...

fan, vad najs!!!!!
När kommer du hem?
puss o kram ;-)