
New floor insulation has been put in under the ground floor of the white house, and this morning the cement truck arrived. 4 men turned up, hooked up the water hose to their truck, and started mixing the cement. A large pipe runs from a small cement mixer in the back of the truck, and when it's ready, the men in the truck radio the men in the house and start pumping the cement. It comes out as a slurry - completely wet, as if filling a bath. The benefit of this is it's perfectly flat. There's no need to smooth it or get it even. So after pumping 15cm of cement, they reel up the hoses and off they go. The whole operation is over in under and an hour, and the cement dries in a day or two. It'll be a couple of weeks before it's properly dry and the wooden floor can be re-laid on top of it.
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